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Make the Leap from Business Analyst to Agile Practitioner – Hildebrand Solutions

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September 14, 2020 at 4pm PDT

Join Matt Wyman and Debra Hildebrand as we discuss the latest exciting agile trends employers are adopting and how BAs can position themselves for career growth and longevity.

Specifically we will talk about:

Seeking advice on how to apply your skills as a software development BA in the current environment is a precarious endeavor. The job landscape has become more complex since the early days of Scrum, as larger companies are accelerating their transformations to reap the benefits of Business Agility.

The good news: trends to “scale up” agile practices have opened up a tremendous number of opportunities for those coming from a more traditional BA skills in requirements analysis, elicitation, collaboration, and life-cycle management.

The challenge: positioning yourself to provide the maximum value in today’s job market is not always obvious and too often BAs are limiting their potential with well-meaning but misinformed advice.

Join us for a free workshop to learn about the numerous exciting opportunities for those with BA skills in the modern Agile Software Engineering market.

  • High-level survey of the important trends, including Business Agility, Lean-Agile principles, ScrumXP, Lean UX, Cadence and Synchronization.
  • Mapping of traditional BA standards and methods to their counterparts in Lean-Agile environments.
  • Overview of common roles and opportunities for BAs as larger companies evolve and start to scale agile practices. (Product Manager, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Release Train Engineer, etc.)
  • Introduction to the Scaled Agile Framework for the Enterprise (SAFe), the current market-leading framework, and the opportunities for BAs who position themselves correctly.
  • Real world Q&A with Matt Wyman, an Agile Coach and Consultant with 25 years’ experience in Software Engineering, specializing in the critical role of the Business Analyst.

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Sign Up by Entering your Name and Email here:

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